Easy Ways to Save Money on Heating Your Huntsville Home this Winter

It's that time of year again, when the temperatures fall and the costs of heating your Huntsville home go up. Do you worry about the increasing cost of heating oil and the rise in energy prices? Then you may want to try these suggestions for saving on your home's heating costs:

  • Check all your home's air vents to see that they are clean and free from any blockages. Replace your furnace filters to keep the system running efficiently.

  • Weather seal your home. Look around all the door and window frames on your house for obvious gaps and spaces that could let cold air into your house. Fill in the gaps with a silicone caulking, sold at all hardware stores. For high traffic areas like the doorway, you may want to apply a vinyl or metal weather-stripping to help block the cold.

  • Set your thermostat lower. Find the lowest setting that will keep you warm and leave it there. Keeping your thermostat at a consistent temperature helps avoid unnecessary energy losses from changing temperatures.

  • Keep a sweater handy. Don't underestimate the savings wearing a sweater around the house could net you. You could lower your heating costs significantly with each degree of difference. Using an extra comforter at night can lower your nighttime heating costs.

  • Use a space heater for the rooms you are in the most. A space heater is a good way to keep small areas warm without running up your bill by heating the whole house. When using a space heater, it's important to follow all the manufacturer's safety guidelines and remember to turn the heater off when you leave the room.

  • Add more insulation to your Huntsville home. Traditional insulation can be messy and time-consuming to install. You may find that the cost of hiring a professional to spray foam insulation into the walls and attic is worth the energy savings. It may pay for itself after year or two.

You'll find it's easy to save money on your Huntsville home heating costs when you follow these suggestions.

Want to buy a well-insulated, energy efficient home? I can help. Call me at 800-803-0053, 256-508-0211 or email me at mike@movetohuntsville.com for more information.

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