2015 Real Estate Predictions
A new year has begun and it seems to me that time goes faster and faster each day. The economy is predicted to grow around 3% in 2015 and as you can guess that is good news for the real estate business! The
real estate market holds a few more predictions for 2015
Interest rates are still low compared to what they have been in years passed but Freddie Mac is predicting that interest rates will rise above the low 4% they had dipped to in 2014 to up to 5% by the end of 2015. Still these interest rates are extremely low so if you are in the market for a new house you should go ahead and plan on making a purchase sometime in the year of 2015.
- Prices for houses by the end of 2015 are predicted to be a little higher than in years passed but not so high that they won't still be affordable. Home appreciation will likely move to 4.5 percent instead of 9.3 percent as in 2014. It may be that home appreciation will drop to 3 percent by the end of 2015.
- If building a home is in your plans then you are apparently on target with a lot of other folks. The building of new homes is expected to rise 20 percent from 2014. If you don't find the house that fits your every need this coming year on the market, it will be a great year to build it to your own specifications.
- Not as many folks will be refinancing in 2015. As a matter of fact refinances will drop to make up only about 23 percent of single family orientations this coming year. In 2014 refinances made up roughly more than half of single family orientations.
- It will be a bit easier to get a loan for your new home purchase in 2015 as some of the restrictions that were once placed on new home buyers will be eased. Funding sources will grow for new home buyers in 2015 as well.
As you can see there is a lot of good news for the
real estate market in 2015. If you are considering buying a home, don't wait another day longer get on the phone and call a qualified Real Estate agent today to get you started in the right direction.
Information courtesy of Huntsville AL Real Estate Expert Mike Manosky.