Help Honor Huntville Veterans

On April 4, the Tennessee Valley chapter of Honor Flight will make its inaugural trip see the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C., with 13 veterans aboard. The all-expense paid, one day trip is a way of honoring our Veterans and saying thank you for the sacrifices that were made.

The flight to Washington will leave early in the morning and return in the evening. Veterans will be taken to their memorial, other war memorials and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Honor Flight which originated in Ohio in 2005 by Air Force Capt. Earl Morse and, to date, has flown over 900 veterans to Washington.

Honor Flight needs your help. Donations are what makes these trips possible. The April trip carries a price tag of $20,000. $12,000 has been raised, so far. Another trip for 200 veterans, planned for September, has a cost of $60,000.

If you are a World War !! veteran and never seen the memorial, you are eligible for an Honor Flight. Applications for veterans and guardians can be picked up at The Huntsville Times, 2317 S. Memorial Parkway.

Please help honor our veterans and make a donation!

Donations can be mailed to Honor Flight, c/o The Huntsville Times, P.O. Box 1487 West Station, Huntsville, AL 35807.

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