Your Huntsville Home For Sale: Reaching Out to the Buyer

You placed your Huntsville home for sale on the market weeks ago, but it seems no one is interested. What you may not realize is that the most desirable, most treasured buyers arrive at your home every day. They may not knock; they may not schedule an appointment; they may even need
Map Quest to figure out where you are, but they're viewing your home.

Buying habits are changing rapidly. More than 70 percent of today's buyers find the house they want to buy through online resources. Why aren't they just getting into their cars and coming by for a visit? Because a large part of your potential buyers are looking at your Huntsville home for sale from states away
The Invaluable Relocation Buyer
You want the relocation buyer. In fact, every seller, every agent and every community wants the relocation buyer. Why? Relocation buyers are those who
have to move. They're incredibly motivated to buy, and the chance of them buying a home in the community is high.
Your Buyer's Profile
Your relocation buyer is probably an educated professional in his or her field. Relocation buyers usually know exactly what they're looking for, and aren't willing to budge much. They've commonly moved before and are knowledgeable home buyers.
If you've never sold a home, they'll most likely understand the buying/selling process better than you do. They also know
that real estate activity and values are different in every area. As well, they know how their companies' relocation assistance programs work, which affects their moving budgets.
Reaching buyers is a competitive process. If you want highly motivated buyers like these knocking on your door, you need a well-organized marketing strategy.
Talk to your real estate agent about your online presentation. Perhaps a
video tour would be the best strategy to attract buyers to your Huntsville home for sale. Whatever you decide to do, if your marketing strategy doesn't include a well-put-together online presentation, you've already lost the relocation buyer.
Are you missing a large buying market for your home? I can help. Call me at 800-803-0053, 256-508-0211 or email me for more information.