What's the Real Value of Huntsville Homes?
As a society, it seems like we've gotten away from appreciating our
Huntsville homes for their emotional and sentimental worth. Instead, we focus solely on their monetary value.
An appraiser can estimate a Huntsville home's
monetary value, but to gain a true concept of your home's worth, you must also take into consideration:
Pride of ownership. You don't buy a pair of Prada shoes because you're going to be able to resell them and make a profit. You buy them because they make you look good and feel good.
- Security and stability. Your home provides a roof over your head that's in your control. You can decorate it how you want. You don't have to worry about a landlord selling the property or asking you to move out. In the "olden days" (or should I say "golden days"), we called our homes our castles because, as owners, we felt like the kings and queens of our Huntsville homes. You can still feel that way! Claim your castle and crown yourself king or queen today.
- 3. A safe haven. After a tough day at work or a day of disappointments, where's the first place you think of going? Home! As Dorothy says, "There's no place like home."
- 4. A place to make memories. Your son's tree house and daughter's playhouse. The markings on the wall that tracked your children's growth. The porch swing where you start and end every anniversary celebration.
- A neighborhood full of friends. In the event of an emergency, your neighbors are your first line of defense. They're also the simplest, best and least expensive form of security. Additionally, they may have the exact tool you need for a project; the extra pair of hands you need to complete a project or children to become playmates with yours. Neighbors also give you that much needed in-person, up-close social network.
Even if your home's
economic value has dropped, you continue to benefit from its emotional values of community, stability, security and success.
Thinking of buying a Huntsville home? I can help you evaluate the emotional and monetary worth of homes and find a home that fits your values and lifestyle. Give me a call today at 800-803-0053, 256-508-0211 or email me at