US Air Slashes Rates In Huntsville

Huntsville is one of 10 markets that will see a reduction in rates charged by US Airlines. This is great news for all of us living in Huntsville who would drive to Birmongham or Nashville for get cheaper fares.

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Fares will be cut as much as 58 percent off the current advanced ticket prices and 73 percent off the current walk-up prices.

Ten of the airport's top 20 markets will be served with this lower-fare program. The cities included in the new program are Cleveland, Chicago, Philadelphia, Louisville, Dallas, Houston, Orlando, Denver, Norfolk, Raleigh-Durham, Tampa, Jacksonville, Detroit, Baltimore, Boston, West Palm Beach, Oakland, Miami, Buffalo, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Hartford, Albany and Columbus.

Let's support US Airways for making air travel more affordable of Huntsville residents!

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