Summer Energy Saving Tips for Your Huntsville AL Home

Summer is here, accompanied by heat, humidity, and high electric bills. Depending on your location, the size of your home, and utility costs in your area, summer often brings the highest monthly bills of the year. The good news, however, is that there are some easy tips to help keep you cool in your Huntsville AL home and save a little money at the same time.

Reduce the heat inside your Huntsville AL home:

  • Use a microwave oven, slow cooker, or barbecue grill rather than your oven.

  • Put lids on pans to hold the heat in while cooking.

  • Do "wet" chores (washing clothes or dishes, mopping floors, watering indoor plants, etc.) in the early morning or at night when it's cooler. This will help to keep humidity down.

  • Lower your shades and close your curtains to keep the sun out.

  • Seal windows and doors efficiently to keep the cold air inside and the hot air outside.

  • Install efficient lighting that runs cooler. Only about 10%–15% of the electricity that incandescent lights consume results in light—the rest is turned into heat.

Lower energy usage:

  • Most hot water heaters have thermostats that may be set to 140 degrees for hot water. This usually isn't necessary--turn the thermostat down to 120 or 115.

  • Take a short shower, say about 5 minutes, and you'll only be using one third of the amount of hot water than you would with a bath.

  • Don't use the drying function in your dishwasher. Let the dishes air-dry.

  • Wash only full loads of dishes and clothes. Dry your clothes on hangars or outside your Huntsville AL home.

  • Turn off computers, printers, copiers, and home electronics when they are not in use. Surge protectors that allow you to plug several items into one strip with an on/off switch make this even easier.

  • Turn thermostats to78 degrees when at home; 85 degrees when away.

  • Use fans to circulate cool air.

  • Close any central air registers in empty and/or unused rooms.

  • Turn down the temperature of your water heater to the warm setting (120°F)

  • Keep lots of food in your refrigerator to keep it from warming up too fast when the door is open.

Now you have no excuse for not implementing at least a few tips for staying cool and saving money on your utility bills this summer. For more helpful hints, visit MyTwoDollars,, and the Department of Energy.


Having lived in the Huntsville AL area for most of his life, Mike Manosky understands exactly what makes this community special. In fact, those who know him well will tell you he carries the same traditional values and focus on the future as Huntsville.

Mike brings with him a keen eye for the details of buying or selling a Huntsville AL home and seemingly boundless determination and energy, which is why his clients benefit from his unique brand of real estate service. Rooted in Tradition, Focused on the Future - Mike Manosky will help make the most of your Huntsville AL real estate experience. Give him a call today, 256-508-0211 Direct or 800-803-0053 Toll Free, and discover the difference he can make during your family's move.

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